Thursday, September 13, 2018

Praying for Your Missionaries

Day 1: Walk with God. May they have a close walk with God and love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind. (Deut 6:4, Mt 22:37, Pr 3:5-6)

Day 2: Passion for Jesus. May they have a close personal relationship with our Savior. That they will regularly meet with Him in prayer and Bible study. (Ps 37:4-5, Matt 6:21-24)

Day 3: Passion for Scripture. May they delight in your Word and meditate on it day and night. May Your word light their way and lead them into all truth. (Ps 1, Deut 8:3, Ps 119:15-16)

Day 4: Strong Prayer Life. May they be people of prayer, devoting themselves to prayer and communion with You. (1 Thes 5:15-19)

Day 5: Strong Marriage. If married, protected their marriage and keep it strong. In their love for their spouse, may they be a model of Christ's love for the Church, raising kids to honor God. (Eph 5:21-28, Pr 20:7 & Pr 22:6)

Day 6: Character & Integrity. May they be godly persons of uncompromising integrity and strong character, unshakable and resolute in matters of Biblical truth. May their testimony in word and deed be genuine and unassailable. (Ps 1:1-6)

Day 7: Thought Life. May they hold every thought captive for Christ being continuously transformed by the renewing of their minds. (2 Cor 10:5, Rom 12:2)

Day 8: Humility. Keep them from pride, hypocrisy, and self-interest. May they remain teachable and open to wise counsel. May they be gentle and kind. (Micah 6:8, John 7:17-18, 1 Cor 10:1-13)

Day 9: Health. Grant them good health and motivate them to care for their physical body, for it is a temple of the Spirit. May they be able to minister to everyone they encounter. (1 Cor 6:19-20)

Day 10: Supporters. May our donors as godly men and women be unified in purpose, prayer, regular financial support, and compassion for those on the field. (Psalm 112, Heb 13:20-21)

Day 11: Priorities. May they seek your kingdom first. Guide them in setting priorities and in time management. (Ps 90:12, Matt 6:33, Eph 5:15-17)

Day 12: Rest & Refreshment. May they plan for and enjoy a weekly Sabbath rest. May they find rest and refreshment in Your presence. (Ex 33:14, Matt 11:28-30, Mark 6:31)

Day 13: Ministry Team. May their ministry team be united in Spirit and purpose. May our mutual enemy not create divisions, strife, or misunderstandings. May they all strive for peace and mutually build up one another. (Rom 12:18 & 14:19, 1 Cor 1:10-31)

Day 14: Single Missionary. If singe, may he or she boldly walk in the protection of the Lord without fear; faithful in their call; strong in the Word, modeling Christ, working well with other team members. (Eph 1:17-18, Phil 1:20, 1 Thes 5:23-24, Heb 4:16)

Day 15: Attitude. Protect them from sinful or negative attitudes that they may encounter as they work with individuals and families. (1 Thes 5:16-18, James 1:5, Heb 10:24-25)

Day 16: Encouragement. Encourage their lives. Surround them with men and women of faith to build up and support them. (Isa 41:10, 1 Thes 5:11)

Day 17: Love. May they know your boundless love, and that they love others with the love of Christ. Help them to put their love into meaningful action. (John 13:34-35, Phil 2:3-4, James 2:14-17)

Day 18: Shepherd's Heart. May they have a heart for leading other as Christ leads the church, willingly with caring concern and compassion, and not under compulsion. (Jer 3:15, 1 Pet 5:1-4, Acts 20:28-29)

Day 19: Temptation. May the Holy Spirit guard their heart and keep them pure in thought and deed. Keep them from far from sin. (Pr 4:23, Ps 119:9-16, Matt 26:41)

Day 20: Finances. Lord, provide their needs and calm their anxieties over money or material things. May they be good stewards in all that You provide them. (Pr 3:9-10, 1 Tim 6:10-11)

Day 21: Conflict Resolution. May they handle criticism and conflict by trusting in You and following the guidance in scripture. May they deal with others in love. (Pr 15:1, Matt 18:15-17)

Day 22: Seek God's will. May they earnestly seek God's will and be committed to complete obedience, and ready to work powerfully in and under Your direction. (Luke 9:23-24)

Day 23: Be Esteemed & Honored. May their supporters respect and honor them as they should. May they support and encourage them in their ministry. (1 Tim 5:17, 1 Thes 5:12-13)

Day 24: Courageous Preaching. May they be courageous in outreach and ministry, fearlessly proclaiming Christ and confident in the use of God's Word. May their speech ever be inspired, insightful, transparent, calling their hearers to be accessible to God's voice. (Acts 9:28, Rom 1:16-17, Col 1:28 & 4:3-6, Eph 6:18-20)

Day 25: Obedience. May they be obedient servants who demonstrates their love for You through obedience to Your commands and in submission to Your will for their lives. (John 14:15-17, Rom 6:15-19)

Day 26: Teaching. May Jesus be exalted in every conversation, remembering they teach by what they say and do. May they rightly interpret and present the word of truth and may hearts be open and receptive. (2 Tim 2:15)

Day 27: Heart for Revival. May they continually have a heart for the lost. May they proclaim the Gospel with compassion and sincerity. (Mark 16:15)

Day 28: Daily Spiritual Preparation. Give them the time needed to learn and compassionately display genuine teaching, interpretation, truth, and wisdom. Give them timely and appropriate applications. (Col 4:5-6)

Day 29: Discernment. May they counsel and teach with discernment, by the wise use of Scripture and faith in God's power to work. (Mal 2:7, John 17:15, James 1:5-6)

Day 30: Clear, Biblical Vision. May they have a clear, Biblical vision of what their ministry can and should be and may they clearly and confidently communicate that vision to everyone. (Pr 29:18)

(We want to that Emmaus Free Lutheran Church for this prayer calendar.)

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