Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Washington Weekend

How time flies! It's been several weeks already since Alma and I went to Washington to spend a weekend with our brothers and sisters at Elim Lutheran Church. We  received the wonderful hospitality of the Larson's on our stay. I stayed with them a couple of years ago when I visited Lake Stevens. This was the beginning of many first's for Alma. First time to Washington, first time on a ferry, first time visiting an all English church and being part of presenting a little bit of what it's like to live and work here in Nogales. I for one am very proud of her. It was quite a stretch for her, but she said she had a great time, and so did I.

We've been doing some work on our house, converting a carport into another bedroom so that it will accommodate both Alma's girls as well as my kids. It is really going well, we should be done in a couple more weeks.  

Our brother and friend Pastor Paul Kneeland and his family have announced that they are going to be leaving back to the Midwest soon. So the congregation has asked for help on Sunday. Pastor Ted Kennedy and I will try to help once a month when we can.

We had Josiah Nelson with us for our youth group last Saturday to share about the Bible school, my kids especially are very exited about the possibility for going in a few years. That is exiting to me to see their enthusiasm over Bible school.  

On the Seattle ferry.

Monday, August 19, 2013

11 more days!

Only eleven more days until Alma and I are to be married. I'm not the only one now counting. Every time Pastor Kennedy asks for prayer, Cesar says, "For my Dad and Alma, they are going to get married in... twelve days." And if he doesn't mention the days, Pastor Ted will ask him, "how many more days?..." Even Pastor Antonio in Nogales Sonora asks me "¿Cuántos días más aleluya?" ("How many more days Hallelujah?" He calls me Hallelujah).

Both churches on both sides of the border want me to preach again this weekend. I was a little nervous about trying to concentrate on a message with less than two weeks until I get married. But this morning while in prayer God gave me the text as well as how to present it. I told Alma over the phone before we had our prayer time, that I feel I can preach it now! Praise God!

We had a really good VBS in Nogales Sonora Mexico. We had quite a few new kids, one especially touched me. His name is Lupe. A little mechanic at nine years old. I pray I can get close to him and help him to know Jesus, the ultimate mechanic. I put some of the pictures on my Facebook.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

I cannot believe how fast time is rushing by. For so long, time seemed to drag along, and everything was in slow motion. Now it is the opposite. Yesterday, Sunday the 11th, was really full, with preaching at Triumph, then taking the kids to Mary Ann's house, then off to Buenos Aires to preach and lead the worship again, then home for a quick lunch and phone call with a dear brother in Mn. Then back across the border to Mascareñas to do two services in two homes serving communion for both. And finally getting back home at eight pm. What used to be so long a day, that I really wasn't looking forward to anymore, and really had to wrestle with those feelings, now seems to fly by. And it's such a joy again. I served communion to Marta, who is terminal, alone in a little shack, cannot get out of bed or do anything by herself. Her mother, who is in her eighties has to attend to her needs because there is no one else. A scene that is hard to imagine without being there. What an honor to pour God's word, God's love into her! I'm so thankful to God to be allowed be His man at this time, at that place, to His people.

Time is also flying by and so soon I'll be married to my Alma Nidia. Only nineteen days now! I have been asked on several occasions in tongue and cheek, "oh, but your not counting are you?" I reply, "oh yes I am, and have been every since we set the date. And I am not ashamed to say so." It seemed at first the clock ran fairly slow, but now is running double time. It also seems there are so few that I can really express the thankfulness to God, the joy, the thrill, and excitement that I feel over knowing and being given this opportunity to marry this girl (I call her my girl, my young lady, even though we're the same age :-). I know on the one hand it is to be expected, especially with all of those who know both Mary Ann and myself. Not everyone has gone through the grieving process, and has mourned over all of this as long as I have. These, almost three years seem like an eternity. But I have grieved, and mourned, and am now ready to live. I read this morning, "Loss can be excruciating. Mourning our loss is critical. What we don't mourn, we carry inside, perhaps forever." I have laid the loss down now at the foot of the cross. Not just with words. Not just because that is a nice religious way of putting it. But I have been there, at the cross, and thanked Him for the past and all the experiences, confessed what I wish I could have done better, and asked for grace to go forward in Jesus name. And now I am. I know there will be times when I still will grieve, for I cannot ever forget twenty six years or more of my life. But I believe I am called to look up, to look forward, and to live an abundant life in Jesus name. I have now given my life to Alma, I love her so much, and will love her with all my heart as long as I live. And I am marrying her publicly, before our family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and in His presence like we've never been married before. I will love her now and always as my first love (apart only from Jesus Christ!) and will let nothing nor anyone get between us. I believe every husband and wife should be able to say, "Amen!" to that.

Alright, enough confession for now. I just felt I had to get this said, it seems to have been an impediment to sharing regularly our progression. Anyway, time is flying... lots to do...  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Praise God! The workbooks arrived

After checking all over on both sides of the border, the least expensive copies of the workbook was $6. But praise the Lord! the books came today ($5.99). Thank you for praying with us. It looks like we're all set. Now pray for God's Spirit to do the work in everyone's hearts, we have twelve so far. I'll put their first names so that you can join us in prayer by name: Patricia, Irma, Jose, Buria, Ofelia, Esther, Ysabel, Guadalupe, Delfina, Aria, Sara and Irma. And pray for Alma and I as we continue to prepare ourselves. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Prayer for Healing

With our Healing the Wounds of Trauma seminar less than two weeks away we really feel the need to step up our prayers. It looks like a sizable group are going to be coming. Some that haven't been coming to church in a long time due to very difficult family situations (son in prison for example).
Alma and I are working on getting the workbook printed at about $4 each, but we just got an email letting us know that the new Spanish printing is done so we've written to see if we can get them by the end of this week at about $7 each. I have finished the six foot cross for the eighth lesson where we literally bring our pain to the cross.

Gracie has had a cold with complications of a fever that is being persistent. She's had this thing since Saturday. She went to the doctor yesterday and said it's just a normal cold. To her it's not, it's a long long time to be down.

This weekend is going to be another heavy one with preaching at Triumph in Nogales AZ. then in Buenos Aires, then twice in Mascarenas.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A little bit about the Puebla Conference

I was a little bit nervous about the Puebla conference as time drew near. But through these last few years I have learned to more and more trust my brothers and sisters in Christ in areas that I never thought possible or even needful. My brothers and sisters in Puebla are so dear to me that I wouldn't want to hurt them for anything. So it has been really hard to think of trying to explain all that has happened over the last couple of years, and how they might receive the news of Alma and I being married and serving the Lord together. But more than any other time in my life I'm also learning the lesson of Gods working through prayer, and that I can absolutely trust Him. I think it was the second day of the conference that I felt the need to share my report. So, I wrote it out and asked permission to share along with the other pastors who also were giving their reports. I thanked them for their faithfulness in prayer, and God's faithfulness as well to answer their prayers. At the end I presented our plan to be married in July or August, and to re-apply with the WMPL as a couple. And if they would accept us, our desire to serve God along side them in Mexico. What came next was very humbling, and emotional for me to  hear. Guadalupe, who had been the president of the Alliance for many years spoke along with his wife Emilia. Along with several Scripture passages demonstrated that he didn't see any reason why I couldn't re-marry, then extended a welcome to Alma and I to serve together in the Alliance. Then Antonio Aldama, the present president, did just about the same thing, welcoming us to serve them in the Alliance. The decision was unanimous, and I can only thank God for this wonderful opportunity to continue serving this church with I have come to know and love. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thanks for God's peace that passes all understanding

Sunday went very well as I shared from Philippians 4:6-7. I chose this passage that it might minister to me first then to our brothers and sisters. And it did just that. I took Alfonso a birthday cake yesterday and we celebrated his eighty first birthday a little bit. He had a terrible time last Sunday, he got some prescription sleeping pills from the doctor, but they had an ingredient that gave him a bad allergic reaction. He was really swollen over his whole body. But he's better now. He just needs prayer and encouragement these days. 

I praise God for that through gifts given, and some savings I had that I was able to buy my tickets to fly down to Mexico city then to Puebla for the conference the first week of April. And even tickets for my kids and Alma and I to fly up to Minneapolis to go to Hunky Dory in June. Afterward we will send the kids on a plane back to Phoenix, and Alma and I will stay for Briefing course. I am so amazed and God's goodness these days. He just seems to answer ever prayer if we'll only wait upon Him. But, should I be amazed? Isn't that what He promises to do? It really does give a peace that passes all understanding. Thank you all for praying as well!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It felt like going home a couple of weeks ago when I went to Minneapolis to go before the Directorate at the World Mission Prayer League home office. It was cold when I arrived at midnight, minus four. The next day I had to retire my Arizona jacket and hit the nearest thrift store to find another one.

During my few days I had the opportunity to visit with several close friends and fellow workers including Del Palmer, missions director with the AFLC and Pastor Roland Wells of St. Paul's Lutheran Church.

I sort of feared having to go over all the sordid details of a very sad couple of years that lead to my divorce. But they were pretty much all up to date about it so I didn't have to. When Peter said, "love covers a multitude of sins," it sure feels good to experience it personally. I was asked if I'd be able to move to the interior of Mexico again. But I couldn't have that be an option yet. At least until Gracie and Cesar move off to Bible school or college (possibly by the next term). Everyone was agreed that my kids are a big part of my mission. Also there was discussion about what would happen if/when Alma and I are married. The normal procedure is to resign and reapply as a married couple. But as of yet we don't have any plans to set a date for marriage. We will wait on the Lord for that.